I had been waiting of the book for quite a while. It would be hinted at again and again -then the deadline would shift – but it has been worth the wait. I regularly delve into he work of Sharma as I find it practical and inspirational at the same time. In this book – the inclusion of the “soul set” as well as the other life areas made it particularly interesting.
In some ways the work remains more than fiction – this high flying life will not be the result for everyone who embraces the philosophy on offer. This can jar a bit for me when reading.
The way he tells a story around the centre all teaching themes though, can be quite inspiring. It lifts the content out of the dry “productivity” instruction manual into the realms of the “inspirational’, the magical even – and thus the concrete situation of the Spellbinder, the Billionaire the Artist and the Entrepreneur – become transferable models to fit the different realities that each of us face day to day…
Like his other books – The Monk who sold his Ferrari and the Leader without a Title Sharma really gets at the core of the challenges facing individuals today. Though his material is not “religious” – you can certainly easily corolate the teachings with elements of your “faith” to make it a great learning experience, expanding all aspects fo your life…

If you are itnersted in buyin ghte book – plese use this affliliate link…